
57 Second Blackboard Tip of the Week

This project has been ongoing and the tips are updated weekly, usually. We were able to add a flash version to our faculty portal tab. The faculty have access to them in an area that they use often. That was a huge leap from emailing them liks once a week. The tips have been well received.


I really think that with the things we can do with computers these days, it is important to place a fuller picture of the instructor in online courses. I have presented this at the 2008 League for Innovation in the Community College Innovations Conference in Denver, the League's CIT Conference in Salt lake City, and at a Maricopa Community College conference. The last two are presentations I have given at Yavapai College events like our Summer Institute for teachers and our Staff Development Day.

The TELS Shared Google Reader Items

We use Google Reader as a way to share information with the faculty here and within our offices.