This video was of a middle school puppet play. The students use the video to critique the play and improve the next version. When finished with final draft, the video is put on DVD and sent home to parents.
This PDF was printed on 11 x 17 and given to parents and students. I have had success with several of these. The content changes, but the 11 x 17 color format is impressive to students. This 11 x 17 format has also been used to create school related publications.
These posters were printed at 11 x 17 and placed around campus. They were to send a message, a PSA if you will. Some were great and others, as you can see, chose a different path.
This student both created the music for this (in Fruityloops) and did the 3-D art in Maya. Between his musical skills and some adaptations using my technology skills, we both worked on creating this slideshow.